From Our Executive Director

Our Executive Director has overseen the inception and growth of the school. Her leadership has enabled children with special needs to access the services they need close to home.

Carol VerdiDear Friends,

From the beginning, our school has been a collaborative effort. Parents, community partners and elected officials came together to create a much-needed resource — a school for children ages 5-21 with autism.

I am extremely proud of The HeartShare School and what it has become. In 2007, we opened our doors, so that children with autism did not have to leave New York City to access the educational and therapeutic services they needed.

I’m proud that we have a Director, teachers, therapists and staff who always go the extra mile. Our salaries, which are determined by New York State, could never compensate these extraordinary individuals enough. Often, I receive phone calls from neighbors who have seen some of our students out in the community with our staff. I am most frequently told that our staff treats our students with the tender patience and compassion only seen within a family. I am honored to call them my colleagues and to oversee such a safe and nurturing school environment.

I’m proud that no matter how hard pressed we are for time and resources, we have the support of our Board Members, donors and community partners. These avid supporters always come through for us. Whether it’s a local business offering the children the opportunity to participate in community life, or a generous sponsor for a holiday celebration, we could not educate our children without you.

Lastly, I’m proud of our parents, who have experienced the challenges of raising a child with special needs, yet continue to adapt, learn and grow. Many parents also have volunteered time to create a full, lively extracurricular life and sense of community here. I am so grateful.

If you are interested in enrolling your child at The HeartShare School, I welcome your questions anytime. We are here for you.


Carol Verdi
Executive Director